Date Visited: January 28, 2017 | Address: 108 W 4th Street
New Year tradition: “The more dumplings you eat, the richer of a new year you’ll have.” (Dumplings are said to be shaped like old Chinese currency, so eating them is like stuffing yourself with warm, savory mouthfuls of wealth.)
My tradition: “The more friends you bring, the more dumplings you’re allowed to buy.”
Happy Chinese New Year!
cucumber country style (拌黄瓜)

seafood dumplings (三鲜水饺); leek, shrimp, egg dumplings (素三鲜水饺)
shredded pork, black agaric, bell peppers, chili peppers with hot garlic sauce (鱼香肉丝)
sauteéd potato, green pepper, and eggplant (地三鲜)
Photos: Amy Dong | Edited by: Amy Dong and Sandra Poh